You may be allowed some posts, but only if you are active, posting non-promotional material & contributing to conversations in other posts. Posts about your own site/channel will likely be removed. This is not a platform to advertise yourself or your content and should not be the primary reason for using this subreddit. This applies to both Pokémon and non-Pokémon related media. Future leaks & content are considered spoilers. We consider 2 weeks after a release to be a spoiler.

Posts that do not comply with these will be removed. Rule 6- Spoilers Mark submissions with a Spoiler Tag if it contains spoilers of recent releases. Make sure the information you post is credible and post an accurate and descriptive title. Also, do not spread misinformation or mislead people with your titles. When posting someone else's work, please give credit to them and include a source. Rule 5- Source Correctly and don't spread Misinformation Illegal content in general is not allowed bans may be determined based on the severity. Links to piracy and streaming sites will be removed. Basic questions that are not enough for their own thread will be removed. If your question is still unanswered, but it is still a basic question, we have a Basic Questions & Answers Megathread that is stickied to the top of the subreddit, where you can ask them. Rule 3- No Basic Questions as their own posts Many questions can be answered with Google or resources such Bulbapedia or Serebii. You can crosspost, as long as the content follows all the rules of the subreddit. Make sure your thread has enough content as this is a discussion based subreddit. We will remove content completely unrelated to Pokémon & posts that are just to gain karma, Memes and comedic posts that do not contain any substantial Pokémon material and discussion fall under this, as do memes, reposts and any sort of spam. Rule 2- No Low Effort Content Threads that are considered low effort are subject to removal at the mods' discretion.

Continued uncivil behavior may result in a ban. Inflammatory/offensive comments and stirring up drama are not allowed. Rule 1- Be Civil Any harmful, harassing or derogatory comments to or about other people, including usage of vulgar slurs will be removed. R/TruePokemon is the home for intellectual and insightful discussion about anything to do with Pokémon - be it the main series, spin-off games (Mystery Dungeon, etc.), TCG, the metagame, and so on.